The conference will address the impact of the introduction of technologies on the care of the ageing people. From the point of view of the social sciences, the various areas of care will be analysed, ranging from professional health care to care provided in the family environment and self-care. It will also discuss how technological advances have influenced the culture of elderly care, leading to social changes and transformations for both the elderly and those who care for them.
Full name: María Ángeles Durán de las Heras
Affiliation: CCHS(Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales) of the CSIC.
PhD in Political and Economic Sciences from the Universidad Complutense, she has been Professor of Sociology, President of the FES, member of the Executive Committee of the International Sociological Association and Director of the Department of Socio-Economic Analysis at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, where she is currently an ad honorem research professor.
She is a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and has received Honorary Doctorates from the Universidades de Valencia, Autónoma de Madrid, Granada and La Rioja.
With an extensive research career, she has spent time at the Institute for Social Research (University of Michigan); Pontificia Universidade Católica de Rio de Janeiro; European Institute of Florence; University of Washington (Seattle); University of Cambridge; Colegio de España (Paris); and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)).
In 2002 he was awarded the Premio Nacional de Investigación para las Ciencias Sociales, Económicas y Jurídicas Pascual Madoz and in 2018 the Premio Nacional en Sociología y Ciencia Política of the CIS. Since 2017 he has been an honorary member of the Colegio de Arquitectos de Madrid.
With a group of researchers and teachers, she founded the pioneering University Institute of Women's Studies at the Autonomous University of Madrid, and later held the UNESCO Chair of "Equality Policies" at the same university. The UAM has given the name "Angeles Duran" to the International Prize for Scientific Innovation in Women's Studies, which is awarded annually.
It carries out intense publishing activity in international social science journals. She is the author of more than three hundred publications and virtual presentations on unpaid work, the social situation of women, urban planning and the sociology of health; among them the books " La riqueza invisible del cuidado", "El trabajo no remunerado en la economía global", "O valor do tempo", "The Satellite Account for unpaid work in the Community of Madrid", "La contribución del trabajo no remunerado a la economía española: alternativas metodológicas", "La imposible neutralitat de la ciencia. Conferències de segle a segle de la Universitat Popular de València (1903-2016)", "El trabajo del cuidado en América Latina y España", "Los costes invisibles de la enfermedad", "La ciudad compartida", " Las personas mayores en la economía del País Vasco", "Si Aristóteles levantara la cabeza", "Liberación y utopía: la mujer ante la ciencia", "De puertas adentro" .She frequently collaborates with academic bodies, social movements and international organisations, including UN Women, the Comisión Económica para América Latina (CEPAL), UNESCO and the World Health Organisation.
For the social impact of her work she has received the Medal of Extremadura, the Juana Azurduy Award (Senate of the Republic of Argentina), the Clara Campoamor Award (Madrid City Council), the Protagonistas Award (awarded by the media), the Mensajeros de la Paz Award, and the Salud y Sociedad Award.
Due to her family origins, she is linked to the Sierra de Gata (Cáceres).