Évora (Portugal) and Spain
March 31, 2023


In most parts of the world, over the past 50 years, socio-economic development has been accompanied by large falls in fertility and equal increases in life expectancy. This phenomenon has led to a rapidly aging population around the world.

Increasing life expectancy presents many opportunities to individuals as well as the communities they live in. Older people can contribute to society in many different ways. However, the scope of these opportunities and the contributions will depend heavily on the health of these elder. In most developed countries, elders live their last years of life in relative good health. Although it is also true that many of the elderly suffer or are at risk of suffering cognitive and physical difficulties.

In the coming years, ensuring that the elders can enjoy the best possible health conditions will be one of the biggest social challenges. Addressing this challenge will require knowledge over the elderly life, the management of this knowledge, the provision of concrete and swift responses to their problems, etc.

Technology can be leveraged for assuring an improved quality of life for the elders.

To follow the presentations virtually OR PRESENTIAL

IWoG 2023 – MARCH 31, ÉVORA

31 march. 2023 14:30 a.m. Lisboa / 15:30 a.m. Spain


Manuel Lopes, University of Évora, Portugal

Lara Guedes de Pinho, University of Évora, Portugal

Anabela Coelho, University of Évora, Portugal

Elisabete Alves, University of Évora, Portugal

César Fonseca, University of Évora, Portugal

Florbela Bla, University of Évora, Portugal

José Alberto Frade Martins Parraça, University of Évora, Portugal

Enrique Moguel, University of Extremadura, Spain

José García Alosno, University of Extremadura, Spain

Lorenzo Mariano Juárez, University of Extremadura, Spain (Nursing School)

Maria João Rente, Unidade Local de Saúde do Litoral Alentejano, EPE


IWoG 2023 - MARCH 31, 14.30 LISBOA / 15:30 SPAIN
Portugal (GMT+0)Spain (GMT+1)
14:30 -
15:30 - 15:40Perfil da pessoa idosa e seu cuidador em contexto domiciliário: proposta de modelo de cuidadosVânia Nascimento
14:40 -
15:40 - 15:50Intervenções de promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis em adultosEunice Maria Santos
14:50 -
15:50 - 16:00Treino Metacognitivo na pessoa mais velha com Sintomas Depressivos: Proposta de intervenção psicoterapêuticaCelso Filipe Silva
15:00 -
16:00 - 16:10Qualidade e segurança dos cuidados de proximidade centrados na pessoa e na sua domiciliaçãoCarlos Manuel Martins
15:10 -
16:10 - 16:20Saúde Mental dos Estudantes Universitários - Modelos de IntervençãoPedro Miguel Amaro
15:20 -
16:20 - 16:30Envelhecimento e Funcionalidade: intervenções Geradoras de GanhosAntónio José Lista
15:30 -
16:30 - 16:40Ganhos em saúde dos estudantes do ensino superior, decorrentes das intervenções de literacia em saúde realizadas em meio académico: um alicerce para o envelhecimentoJorge Miguel Rosário
15:40 -
16:40 - 16:50Indicadores de Qualidade dos Modelos de Cuidados de Longa Duração Promotores da Capacitação Para o Autocuidado: uma revisão sistemáticaFátima Maria Cano
15:50 -
16:50 - 17:00Care pathway from theory to practice - Model of self-care behaviour management in the person with heart failure at homeTelmo Duarte Canelas Pequito
16:00 -
17:00 - 17:30DISCUSIÓN
16:30 -
17:30 - 18:00COFFEE BREAK
17:00 -
18:00 - 18:30CONFERENCIA INOVAÇÃO EM SAÚDEProfessor Doutor Pedro Parreira
17:00 -
18:00 - 18:30O transporte do Doente CríticoMaria João Rente
17:30 -
18:30 - 18:40Memórias de cuidar: Experiência Vivida do Pós-Cuidador FamiliarCatarina Inês Costa Afonso
17:40 -
18:40 - 18:50Nursing teleconsultation for older adults with type 2 diabetes: A gerontechnology tool for the promotion Care-of-the-Self Idalina Delfina Gomes
17:50 -
18.50 - 19:00Self-care profile of older adults during the hospitalization in long-term careAna Ramos
18:00 -
19:00 - 19:10Tanta ansiedade que…Ana Lucília Costa
18:10 -
19:10 - 19:20Polimedicação em IdososHugo Daniel Salgueiro
18:20 -
19:20 - 19:30Frequência Cardíaca e a Saturação de Oxigénio Muscular do Idoso durante o Exercício Vibratório CorporalJosé Alberto Frade Martins Parraça
18:30 -
19:30 - 19:40Social and Cultural Patterns in the Adoption of Robotic Technologies for Elderly CareLuis López-Lago Ortiz
18:40 -
19:40 - 19:50Social Stereotypes in Models of Aging among Caregiving Mobile AppsLuis López-Lago Ortiz
18:50 -
19:50 - 20:00 Integrating Classical and Quantum Approaches for Healthcare SolutionsJaime Alvarado-Valiente


Manuel Murillo. Cénits – COMPUTAEX, Spain.

Javier Berrocal. University of Extremadura, Spain (Polytechnic School).

José García-Alonso. University of Extremadura, Spain (Polytechnic School).

Lorenzo Mariano Juárez. University of Extremadura, Spain (Nursing School).

Sergio Cordovilla. University of Extremadura, Spain (Nursing School).

Carlos Canal. University of Málaga, Spain.

Manuel José Lopes. University of Évora, Portugal.

David Mendes. University of Évora, Portugal.

Niko Mäkitalo. University of Helsinki, Finland.

César Alberto Collazos. University of Cauca, Popayán-Colombia.

Julio Ariel Hurtado. University of Cauca, Popayán-Colombia.

Luca Foschini. University of Bologna, Italy.

Elena Navarro. University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.

Javier Jaén. University of Valencia, Spain.

Felismina Mendes. University of Évora, Portugal.

Pedro Parreira. Nursing School of Coimbra, Portugal.

Ana Paula Oliveira. Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portugal.

Adriano Pedro. Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portugal.

Rogério Ferreira. Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Portugal.

Ana Canhestro. Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Portugal.

Henrique Oliveira. Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Portugal.

Maria Margarida Palma Goes. Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Portugal.

Lucília Nunes. Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, Portugal.

Lisete Mónico. Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Coimbra, Portugal.

Angela Barriga. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway.

Alejandro Rodriguez. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway.

Patricia Paderewski. University of Granada, Spain.

Francisco Luis Gutiérrez. University of Granada, Spain.

John Edison Muñoz. University of Waterloo, Canada.

Jeferson Arango. University of Caldas, Colombia.

Francisco Chávez de la O. University of Extremadura, Spain (University Centre of Merida).

Javier Corral – CénitS – COMPUTAEX, Spain.

Tania Correia, ERISA, Portugal.

José Moreira, University of Évora, Portugal.

Ana Lúcia da Silva João, University of Évora, Portugal.

José Bule, University of Évora, Portugal.

Anabela Pereira Coelho, University of Évora, Portugal.

Maria José Carvalho Nogueira, University of Évora, Portugal. 

Leonel Oliveira, University of Évora, Portugal.

Ana Dias, University of Évora, Portugal.

Maria do Céu Pires Delgado Monteiro, Portugal


We are in the process of negotiation with Springer to publish all accepted works (full and short papers) in a Springer volume as last year.